DNB Analytics


DNB Analytics is an R&D company that produces artificial intelligence-based psychological norms and works on digital transformation in mental health.


DNB Analytics is an R&D company that produces artificial intelligence-based psychological norms and works on digital transformation in mental health.


We are a research and development company, carries out machine learning supported analysis, practices and scientific studies with the help of techniques such as psychometrics, sociometry and statistics in order to understand decisions and behaviours since 2017


We aim to develop high value products and generate establishments that introduce these products to the market by adding many eligible stakeholder and smart capital to its operations.


Our existence relies on scientific researches and strategies in order to: Generate business models and provide macro services with the participation of intellectual and financial factors, engineering activities and other technology partners 

Company Profile

DNB (Decisions & Behaviours) Analytics has been established as the need for institutionalisation of artificial intelligence studies, software technologies and clinical researches that are in operation since 2010.

We are a research and development company, carries out artifical intelligence (machine learning) supported analysis, practices and scientific studies with the help of techniques being used such as psychometrics, sociometry and statistics in order to understand decisions and behaviours since 2017.

Apart from analyzing, we also generate academic and commercial outcomes in psychiatry field.

DNB Analytics aims to develop high value products and generate organisations that introduce these products to the market by adding many eligible stakeholder and smart capital to its operations

DNB Analytics Mission

   DNB Analytics’ existence relies on scientific researches and strategies in order to:

  • Bring challenging and disruptive business ideas in to economical life,
  • Generate business models and provide macro services with the participation of intellectual and financial factors, engineering activities and other technology partners
  • Play the role of policy maker in specific areas, evaluation authority, organiser and catalyser to form commercialisation elements that overlap the business models and micro services.

DNB Analytics Vision

   Our vision depends on `existence` as the existence is the starting point and the base of humanist (anthropocentric) system of values.

in this sense, to be able to verify existence definitions sustainably, we will react within the frame of some certain ethical and technical circumstances and develop behaviours and produce active forms verifying existence

Business Model

   Our business model is very simple. Ideas are important so DNB brain storms on ideas and build R&D models with academical joint owners and research investor partnes to prototype it. When the prototype is success DNB establish a new enterprise with enterpreneur stakeholder, smart money and influancer of the topics by protecting the researchers rights. When the new company establish and the prototype has been productize, every thing is ready for profitable or non profitable market penetration.


This aim of this study is to propose a new classification framework as Networked Pattern Recognition (NEPAR) for different classification problems. In most research studies, classification focuses on either individual observations, which do not consider the dynamic interactions, which ignores the functional roles of observations. When capturing interactions, they just give a general idea about networks. In this study, we propose a unified approach that combines pattern classification techniques and dynamic interactions for better classification approach. 

Projects & Products


Clinical Research Lab

The projects of DNB Analytics are supported by our clinical research lab which is located in Balikesir. Serving as both a psychiatry clinic and an applied research site, the lab provides our team the opportunity to directly observe the viability of AI applications in the field of human behavior. The lab is led by Sedat Irgil, MD, a psychiatry specialist with over 25 years of clinic experience. Members of the lab are Merve Yanardağ, Nehir Gökoğlu and Şeyma Cengiz who work as psychologists and researchers, and Aynur Yıldırım who works as a nurse.

Wecurex Research Lab

WecureX, located in Balıkesir, is a laboratory that analyzes the data of research in the field of human behavior with developed artificial intelligence technology. WecureX laboratory carries out its work with a team of experts in the field, led by the researcher and faculty member Salih Tutun at the University of Washington in St Louis. The rest of the team consists of computer programmers Alper Bayata and Ramazan Dağdelen; statistic specialist Ahmet Aykaç; computer engineer İlhan Aldemir, data scientist Ada Deniz Keskin, and psychologist M. Berk Tekin.

Wecurex AI Research Lab

WecureX, located in Balıkesir, is a laboratory that analyzes the data of research in the field of human behavior with developed artificial intelligence technology. WecureX laboratory carries out its work with a team of experts in the field, led by the researcher and faculty member Salih Tutun at the University of Washington in St Louis. The rest of the team consists of computer programmers Alper Bayata and Ramazan Dağdelen; statistic specialist Ahmet Aykaç; data scientist Ada Deniz Keskin


Psikometrist is an online platform where mental health professionals can effortlessly manage their clients’ information, apply psychological tests, and get automatic result reports powered by our AI technology. It is designed for hospitals, private clinics and various other medical institutions that deal with a high volume of patients on a daily basis. Psikometrist streamlines the psychological evaluation process through the use of digitalized questionnaires and inventories that are sent directly to clients’ mobile phones and its automated, user-friendly results pages that allow the clinician to provide personalized treatment to their clients. The available inventories include psychiatric tests such as the MMPI and DIA, personality inventories such as MBTI and Big Five among others.


SASX continuous performance test is a product applied on the online platform. SASX Continuous Performance Test is designed to be an auxiliary tool for helping the expert in the evaluation of ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Attention deficit is a factor that affects the daily life of every individual, so everyone can apply this test, starting with school-age children where the attention deficits manifests themselves. After the test is completed, the results are analyzed with artificial intelligence and a detailed report is given. Thanks to the easy-to-use website, experts can automatically access the results of their tests.


SASX continuous performance test is a product applied on the online platform. SASX Continuous Performance Test is designed to be an auxiliary tool for helping the expert in the evaluation of ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Attention deficit is a factor that affects the daily life of every individual, so everyone can apply this test, starting with school-age children where the attention deficits manifests themselves. After the test is completed, the results are analyzed with artificial intelligence and a detailed report is given. Thanks to the easy-to-use website, experts can automatically access the results of their tests.

Smart Dementia Diagnosis System (SDSS)

SDSS is a product that serves to detect and classify dementia in its early stages through the use of the clock drawing test, a digitalized performance test and a self-report questionnaire*. It is designed for mental health professionals working in geriatrics, primary caregivers of persons suspected of dementia, and people with self-reported complaints of cognitive decline. It utilizes both a mobile app and a website page as platforms to provide flexibility to the target population. Dementia is a prevalent and expensive disease in which early diagnosis can help patients and their families with their quality of life and finances while early classification allows for clinicians to make informed decisions regarding treatment. To facilitate the early diagnosis and categorization of dementia, SDSS analyses clock drawing test performance of the client using convolutional neural networks and the NEPAR algorithm. SDSS offers a low-cost, accessible and easy-to-apply alternative to the current method of dementia diagnosis in which the use of brain imaging technologies is a must.
*SDSS uses two distinct forms for evaluation: self-evaluation and interviewee-evaluation. The self-report questionnaire is only present for the self-evaluation.

DIA Test

Diagnostic Test (DIA) is a product applied on online platforms. The DIA is a test that examines in detail the mental state of a prospective patient. It was created to assist specialists in the psychiatric examination of individual subjects. The test uses 319 questions to measure 48 sub-diagnoses. In addition to conditions such as the personality and anxiety disorders listed in the DSM IV and V, subscales for symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, which are considered important for the treatment process, were also included. The test results are analyzed by artificial intelligence, providing convenience to mental health professionals in the diagnosis and treatment process.

DIA Test

Diagnostic Test (DIA) is a product applied on online platforms. The DIA is a test that examines in detail the mental state of a prospective patient. It was created to assist specialists in the psychiatric examination of individual subjects. The test uses 319 questions to measure 48 sub-diagnoses. In addition to conditions such as the personality and anxiety disorders listed in the DSM IV and V, subscales for symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, which are considered important for the treatment process, were also included. The test results are analyzed by artificial intelligence, providing convenience to mental health professionals in the diagnosis and treatment process.

Rehberlik Online

Rehberlik online is an online platform where psychological counselors and guidance services can easily manage student information, apply psychological tests and receive automatic result reports supported by our AI technology. It is designed for schools and educational institutions. Thanks to the easy-to-use website, you can reach your students and parents in a short time with the name of your school. You can quickly examine the detailed individual reports of your inventories sent to your students' mobile phones.


Psikorisk is a platform for occupational health and risk analysis. It is designed for medium to big businesses and manufactories. The purpose of Psikorisk is to optimize the working environment to minimize adverse events such as accidents or mobbing, increase productivity, and identify at-risk workers. Psikorisk uses company’s archived data, digitalized psychometric testing and 360⁰ employee evaluation. With this data, it identifies the most at-risk employees, job positions and work environments as well as factors that are lowering productivity. After this identification process, it generates possible solutions to the discovered problems with the use of polyvalence optimization.


Psikorisk is a platform for occupational health and risk analysis. It is designed for medium to big businesses and manufactories. The purpose of Psikorisk is to optimize the working environment to minimize adverse events such as accidents or mobbing, increase productivity, and identify at-risk workers. Psikorisk uses company’s archived data, digitalized psychometric testing and 360⁰ employee evaluation. With this data, it identifies the most at-risk employees, job positions and work environments as well as factors that are lowering productivity. After this identification process, it generates possible solutions to the discovered problems with the use of polyvalence optimization.

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Core Team

Salih Tutun
sedat irgil
Sedat İrgil

Begüm Başaran
Legal Consultant
Tülay Yorulmaz
Management Consultant
Neşe Özkum
Software Specialist
Alper Bayata
Frontend Software Specialist
Ahmet Aykaç
Backend Software Specialist
Nehir Gökoğlu
Nilay Aras
Psychiatric Nurse
Aynur Yıldırım
Psychiatric Nurse
Adobe Express - file
Şevval Kaya
Psychiatric Nurse

Quality Certificates

To see quality as an indispensable imperative through the Quality Management System and within this framework; To keep customer satisfaction above all else in our WorksBy following the technological development closely, to provide reliable, honestly planned and timely service with the awareness of continuous improvement.

To work with experienced staff by giving importance to the training planned in order to improve the development and career of the personnel working in our organization.



  • Magazine: ISE Magazine-Frontier Cover: Patterning Terrorist Behavior
  • ScienceDaily: Researchers have a better way to predict flight delays
  • News: Yahoo “New framework tells when terrorists are likely to attack”
  • News: MSN “Scientist claim to have developed framework to predict terrorist attacks”
  • Google News “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: Science Daily “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: Economic Times, Researchers find faster way to predict flight delays
  • News: NDTV “New Framework Tells When Terrorists Are Likely To Attack”
  • News: The EurekAlert “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: IndiaTV “This new framework can tell about future terrorist attacks, claim researchers”
  • News: Times of India “New framework tells when terrorists are likely to attack”
  • News: Business Standart.com “New framework may predict terrorist attacks”
  • News: News Today “New framework tells when terrorists are likely to attack”
  • News: WordPress.com “New framework tells when terrorists are likely to attack”
  • News: Communications of the ACM “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: In USA News ACM “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: Phys.org-Science and Technology news “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: Science 2.0 “New framework uses patterns to predict terrorist behavior”
  • News: Post “It would indeed be possible to accurately predict future terrorist attacks”
  • News: Insurence Journal, Researchers Claim High Accuracy in Understanding Terrorists’ Next Moves
  • News: UPI, New model predicts characteristics of terror attacks with 90 percent accuracy
  • News: The Daily Caller, Researchers say they can predict terrorist behavior with more than 90% accuracy
  • News: StudyFinds, Study Finds Way To Predict Terrorist Activities — With 90% Accuracy
  • News: Interesting Engineering, Engineering Project Predicts Terrorist Attacks with 90 Percent Accuracy
  • News: Science Daily, Predicting terrorist behaviors with more than 90 percent accuracy
  • News: Pipe Dream, BU doctoral student develops program to predict terrorist attacks
  • News: Terror Alert, This Engineering Project Can Predict Terrorist Attacks Anywhere In the World
  • News: Anadolu Agency, US researchers accurately predict extremist behavior
  • News: Latercera, Estudio predice características de ataques terroristas con 90% de exactitud
  • News: The Wired Correspondence, Predicting terrorist behaviors by 90 percent possible, say university researchers
  • News: State of Mind, Prevedere attentati terroristici con un’accuratezza del 90%: il NEPAR
  • News: Daily Star, Boffins can now ‘PREDICT’ the next terror attack – but when and where will it be?

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    Opening Hours

    Monday – Friday: 09:00-18:00
    Saturday : 10:00-16:00

    Artificial Intelligence for Decision and Behavior Analysis Our algorithms analyzes human behaviours and psychology. So we can predict the interactions and behaviors of the individuals and the society.

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